2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14

Feeling the Blanks
Turkish Center, NY, USA
July 20 – 30, 2009
Blank areas of the soul make one search for ways to fill in. To me, these voids are mysterious lands where maps are needed to navigate through. It's a long and hard research, seeking out meaning to fill in the blanks. Nonetheless, it may well be a jolly journey in the miraculous seat of "the making"; where the maps, real guidance, overlay the surreal projections of the emotional self. Feeling everything that comes along the way as if it’s for the last time, no matter where to arrive but just to be at the moment; more importantly to get the moment...
Burçak Bingöl
NYC, 2006

Decal applied and magnetized ceramic shards attached on metal objects

Water-color + pen drawings

Red flexible string

Water-color + pen drawings

Water-color + pen drawings

Water-color + pen drawings

Water-color + pen drawings